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The pharaohs of ancient Egypt are where zoos first appeared in history. Of course, the intention was different. Back ago, it was either done out of vanity or as a gift to other kings. Animal trainers and zookeepers appear over the centuries, and human understanding of the animal kingdom changes, yet the notion of exotic entertainment for animals has endured. Some zoos are accessible to the general public, while others exist just for conservation. Yorkshire Wildlife Park was established in 2009 with the goal of promoting ethical travel and conservation activities. To prevent the extinction of critically endangered species, several private zoos operate breeding programmed.

The menagerie of animals owned by Pharaoh Hatshepsut between 3100 and 332 BC is well recognized. Zoological gardens gained popularity in the 1800s. In addition, money raised from admission fees and donations to zoological parks goes towards funding research on animals. National parks were established across the world in the 1900s. In order to conserve and safeguard animal natural habitats, the United States established national parks and implemented legislation. Yorkshire Wildlife Park was established in 2009 to promote ethical travel and environmental protection.

On National Zoo Awareness Day, you may take a journey with your loved ones to visit some of the rare creatures of the world. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness among young people, family members, and friends. In addition, it allays children’s concerns and curiosities about animals and their kinds. It also serves as a day for family members to share knowledge and grow closer to one another.